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Scott Walker Got Played by Foxconn in Wisconsin – Paul Ryan Fights Poverty, Maybe

A couple of old Wisconsin friends of the shebeen are back in the news again, thank the Lord, because it was hard around here without them.

Scott Walker, the goggle-eyed homunculus once hired by Koch Industries to manage their midwest subsidiary formerly known as the state of Wisconsin, has been particularly active both on the electric Twitter machine and in real life. He is running some operation to ensure that gerrymandering stays in place, and he’s also the head of the Young Americans for Freedom, that hoary old relic of the John Birch Society’s heyday. Meanwhile, back in America’s Dairyland, his most conspicuous legacy continues to be the biggest bag of magic beans ever sold to an allegedly sentient politician. From the AP via the Chicago Tribune:

They also promised Walker a unicorn pony. From Wisconsin Public Radio:

The shovels are technically in for the Foxconn project.
NurPhotoGetty Images
NurPhotoGetty Images

Truth be told, there isn’t much to monitor.

Foxconn has been playing Wisconsin like a ten-cent yo-yo ever since Walker showed up at the company’s doorstep with the state’s economy in his mouth, like a beagle who’s brought home a rabbit. Last February, the company floated a story that even the main campus was in doubt, announcing that plans had changed and that a smaller facility might be built. This, as MarketWatch informed us a couple of years ago, is Foxconn’s general M.O.

Thus does Scott Walker’s time as governor live on as a tribute to one of the biggest suckers ever to be sworn into office.

Meanwhile, the zombie-eyed granny-starver is still at it.
Mark WilsonGetty Images
Mark WilsonGetty Images

Meanwhile, former Speaker Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver from the state of Wisconsin, has a new job that comes richly accessorized with consultant-speak and market-based bullshit. From the AP via the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

This always has been central to Ryan’s scam—that he is the libertarian with a heart for the poor among us. (It may be true. His policies would’ve created so many of them.) The phrase “evidence-based” is pretty hilarious coming from a guy who once annually produced budgets concocted of spun nonsense and magic asterisks. (Even stalwart conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin thinks Ryan is full of beans on this one.) I will guarantee you that his “increased economic opportunities” will include further destroying public education, worrying about the deficit (as soon as there’s another Democratic president), and a bunch of stuff about faith-based hoodoo and volunteerism. What the hell. It beats working for a living.

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This content was originally published here.

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