Categories: Salud y Comida

Sentencing for man accused of crashing into Gaston Co. restaurant, killing family members resumes Wednesday

“We knew that somebody had went into cardiac arrest but we didn’t know who it was that they were bringing in, and then when they brought [Amanda Self] in it was just very chaotic there was a lot of people crying and running and trying to help,” Gaston paramedic Tashia Witherspoon said.

She went on to say Katelyn Self had no signs of life and they pronounced her dead shortly after. Amanda Self went into cardiac arrest as soon as they were able to remove her from under the debris. Once they got to the hospital, they moved Amanda to a trauma room, and she died a short time later.

The fifth witness was Bessemer City Police Officer Gray Goins who told the court there were people everywhere and he saw Officer Alex Burns who was holding Katelyn Self and also saw Amanda Self trapped under debris.

“Especially at times where I asked hard questions, he seemed to deflect and bring up ‘hey have you gotten in contact with this person?’ Or ‘have you gotten in contact with that person’ or again at times where I was really trying to get him to describe things to me that would relate to the crime and he wanted water, wanted something to eat, he needed to go to the bathroom,” Dover said.

This content was originally published here.

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